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Features Game :
- Collect all 40 unique towers and 20 deadly magic spells - the ultimate TD arsenal;
- Customize your tower and spell collection with powerful Runes;
- Use your defenses to crush Underground, Intelligent, Swarming, Exploding, Phantom and 20 other monster types and 29 unique bosses!
- Play the game the way you like - find the unique combination of tower and magic arsenal to build the superior defense!
- Fight with other players to pump up your tower collection into monster-slaughtering war ma-chines!
- Used to good weather? Test your defense with survival night levels filled with tornado and storm power challenges!
- Different TD game modes - Hunt, Raid and Assault levels and the rule-them-all Hard mode for truly tower defense fans!
Baca juga : Naruto Ninja Storm 3
Screen shoot

Game Information
Name: Defenders 2
Category: Android Games Download
Game Type: Strategy
Release Date: 08.10.2016
Language: English
Size: 30.2 MB
Developer : Nival
File Type: .apk
Baca Juga : Kumpulan Tema Android Baru Terkeren 2016
Cara Download File apk :
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