Download Free Game Carmageddon Mod apk v1.20 Mod Free Shopping Terbaru Selamat datang kembali sobat gamers,oke langsung saja pada kesempatan kali ini saya admin gionogames akan membagikan satu lagi game android yang keren dan asik untuk mengisi hari-hari sobat yaitu Carmageddon Mod apk v1.20 .Merupakan versi terbaru yang bikin sobat ketagihan dan ingin terus memainkan game ini sob karena disamping grafisnya yang bagus tapi ada sesuatu yang lebih menarik lagi didalamnya saat sobat setelah Download Carmageddon Mod apk ini Handphone kesayangan sobat nantinya,kalau sudah ngomongin game tidak ada habisnya ya sob karena game android semakin hari semakin banyak bermunculan dan seru.oke untuk game android Carmageddon mod apk ini merupakan game android bergenre racing arcade sob,sobat akan berlomba mengendarai mobil tetapi untuk mencapai garis finis sobat harus berjuang habis-habisan mengalahkan lawan-lawan kalian dulu dan yang gawat juga sobat bisa menabrak orang-orang disekitar karena mobil kalian telah dimodifikasi dengan senjata-senjata mematikan untuk menghancurkan,nah bagi sobat yang sudah tidak sabar ingin merasakan keseruan bermain game android ini langsung saja download pada link yang sudah saya sediakan secara gratis.
Carmageddon is the original freeform driving sensation, where pedestrians (and cows!) equal points, and your opponents are a bunch of crazies in a twisted mix of automotive killing machines. The game features anarchic drive-wherever-you-like gameplay and over-the-top surreal comedy violence. It’s the racing game where racing is for wimps. Now the same Mac & PC classic that was BANNED AROUND THE WORLD is back and available on Android phones and tablets!Carmageddon features real-world environments that have been turned into killing fields, where the locals stay out on the streets at their peril. As well as using your car as a weapon, every level is sprinkled generously with power-ups that have a vast variety of mad effects, adding a whole extra level of craziness to the proceedings. In every event you have the option to “play it your way”… Waste all your opponents, kill every pedestrian, or (perish the thought) complete all the laps. Oh and watch out – the cops in their super-tough armoured patrol vehicles are lurking, and if they catch you being bad they’ll be down on you like several tons of cold pork!
- 28 dangerously deranged Opponents
- 11 wildly exhilarating Environments
- Career Mode featuring 36 satisfyingly violent Levels
- Race and Wreck opponents to unlock 30 playable cars!
- Multiple control methods: digital, analogue (mix ‘n’ match), tilt
- Edit your control layout in game to your preferences
- Comprehensive Action Replay System
- Environment maps and other special effects
- Enhanced pre-lit environments
- Buckets of gibs
- ons of laughs
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Screen shoot

Game Info
Name: Carmageddon
Category: Android Games Download
Game Type: Adventure
Release Date: 09.10.2016
Language: English
Size: 145 MB
Developer : Stainless Games Ltd
Baca Juga : Kumpulan Tema Android Baru Terkeren 2016
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